Tag: technology

Instant Messaging May Be a Productivity Enhancer

“Ding” There’s that sound again, alerting you to another instant message. Instant messaging is becoming a popular way to communicate in the business world, and as annoying as you may find it, some experts say the technology increases workplace productivity. A research study from Ohio State University and the University of California found that workers who use instant messaging on the job reported less interruptions during the workday than their fellow colleagues.

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TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs Helps Small Businesses Leverage Technology

Recently I wrote a blog post about how business owners think a crashed computer is more disruptive to their business than a sick employee. There’s not doubt we all depend on technology to build our businesses. Yet many business owners don’t understand how to fully leverage technology to propel their business to new heights.

If you need help managing your small business technology, then make plans to attend “TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs” on May 4-5 in New York City.

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Take a Tech Time-Out: National Day of Unplugging

Could you do it? Could you take a pledge to unplug from technology for 24 hours? I don’t know if I could make that commitment. In today’s fast-paced world we are all so addicted to our constant electronic connectivity that it’s difficult to let go. Think about how many times you see families together eating dinner out and everyone has their head buried in their smart phone. What happened to good old-fashioned conversation? Is anything so important it can’t wait for dinner to be over?

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