Tag: employee

Attract the Best and The Brightest: Have a Little Fun in Your Small Biz

It’s tough for small businesses to compete head to head with major corporations when it comes to providing fringe benefits  such as health-care coverage, tuition reimbursement programs or matching 401(k) plans.  But small businesses do have one advantage — they can create a company culture and environment that attracts the best and the brightest by […]

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Need Extra Help in Your Small Business? Go Virtual

Renting space is certainly an option, but it isn’t your only option. Instead of taking on the overhead of office space and an employee, why not keep your office in your home and hire a virtual assistant (VA). A virtual assistant is an independent entrepreneur who provides professional administrative services remotely using technology tools. The majority of VA’s work from home and they have well-equipped offices so they can easily handle the tasks you need performed.

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