Tag: business owner

Politics Doesn’t Belong in Your Small Business

You can’t escape it. Presidential politics is daily headlines news. It’s also a popular topic of conversation. My husband and I ate dinner last night in a neighborhood restaurant and the people at the table next to us were in a heated debate over who would be the next President. And it’s only going to get worse.
Nearly everyone has an opinion when it comes to politics. And in many cases people are as impassioned about their political beliefs are as they are about their religious beliefs. The freedom to discuss both politics and religion openly and without free of repercussion is what makes this country great. However, there is a time and a place for everything and it’s best to check both at the politics and religion at the door when you come to work.

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Listening is a Valuable Small Business Skill

The lost art of listening. A morning news program featured a segment on how desensitized the human race has become to noise. There is so much noise in our society that as a means of survival we’ve learned to tune it out. For those of us who want to succeed in business, it’s time to hone our listening skills. Like our hunting and gathering ancestors, keen hearing can help us attract and retain new customers. Good listening is one of the most powerful skills you can have in business.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Advice You Need to Grow Your Small Biz

An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew, hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it — Roy Ash, co-founder Litton Industries.

Does this sound like the way you run your business? It’s kind of like flying by the seat of your pants. Why not start off the new year with smarter strategies for growth? Who are the people who could help you build your business? Make a list of the kinds of experience and expertise you need to take your business to the next level. Then start talking. Reach out to people who can advise you on how to chew the right way, before you take that big bite. Even the best advice won’t prevent you from making mistakes, but it can certainly help minimize your risk.

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January is Shape Up U.S. Month — Get Your Small Biz in Shape

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight and get into shape. While that’s a smart thing to do for your overall health, it’s also a good thing for your business. Unhealthy lifestyle habits increase your risk of illness. Of course, when you aren’t feeling your best, it impacts your productivity and limits your ability to achieve your goals.

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