Tag: success

New Resource Helps Small Businesses Fight the Flu Outbreak

We’re in the height of the flu season. Forty-seven states are reporting widespread influenza activity. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) predicts the actual cost to businesses this year will surpass $10 billion dollars and more than $7 billion in lost productivity. An outbreak of the flu in your small business can be disruptive and seriously jeopardize your success so I want to share a new resource I discovered which may help you minimize your risk.

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Don’t Let Panic Interfere With Your Small Business Success!

It’s tough out there. No doubt about it. Just when small business owners were starting to regain some hope that the economy might pick up before the end of the year, the bottom fell out from under us again. The stock market swings are as wild as a theme park roller-coaster ride. Consumer sentiment is down. And many experts predict that the remainder of the year could be even worse than expected.

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Get a Head Start on the New Year: Make The Most of The Last Week

What are you doing right now? It’s the last week of the year. Unless you are in retail, chances are your business is almost dead right now. So it is tempting to take the week off. Right?

Smart business owners are using this quiet time to get a jump start on the New Year, and you can too. Here are some ideas you can put work in your business.

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