Tag: Productivity

Take a Tech Time-Out: National Day of Unplugging

Could you do it? Could you take a pledge to unplug from technology for 24 hours? I don’t know if I could make that commitment. In today’s fast-paced world we are all so addicted to our constant electronic connectivity that it’s difficult to let go. Think about how many times you see families together eating dinner out and everyone has their head buried in their smart phone. What happened to good old-fashioned conversation? Is anything so important it can’t wait for dinner to be over?

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Organize for Success: January is National Get Organized Month

What does your office look like?  Is it a mess?  Did you know organizational experts believe the state of your desktop says a lot about your personality.  A clean, uncluttered desk indicates you’re a well-organized manager.  Unfortunately, a lot of people, including myself, are often buried in stacks of papers and files.  It’s estimated the […]

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Start the New Year on the Right Foot — Get Organized

January is National Get Organized Month. What does your office look like? Is it a mess? Did you know organizational experts believe the state of your desktop says a lot about your personality. A clean, uncluttered desk indicates you are a well-organized manager. Unfortunately, a lot of people, including myself, are often buried in stacks of papers and files. It’s estimated the average business person wastes over 150 hours a year looking for things. That number can be significantly higher when you consider your virtual desktop – your computer.

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Staying Healthy Helps Build Small Business Success

Okay — I admit it — I’m back on my fitness and healthy living kick. I’m tired of not feeling strong and on top of my game. But getting in shape isn’t just about looking and feeling better, it’s actually smart business. Unhealthy lifestyle habits increase your risk of illness. And when you aren’t feeling your best, it impacts your productivity and limits your ability to achieve your goals.

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